...is, well, just awesome. The Subspace Emissary has a suprisingly and somehow interesting plot, and for a fighting game, it feels like this mode has a decent amount of value. By that I mean it should take 10 hours just to complete this mode, which is not bad for a fighting-genre game.
Online multiplayer- fun, but not too much depth is involved. That is, unless you gather up a bunch of friends and acquire the annoying "Friend Codes". Fortunately, this will open up a few more online modes when wanting to brawl through the internet.
Apart from all that, there's Classic mode, a stage builder mode, the Vault, and a whole crap-load of other addictive features that keep me addicted to this damn game.
Get it.
Also, Friend Code: 3566-1213-3104
Online doesn't work.
Online's worked a few times for me, but I got a bit of lag. That'll be resolved soon, since the game only came out a few days ago.